Sunday, February 24, 2013

First Long Run - Check!

Yesterday was my first 'long run' of my training cycle - 6 miles, no breaks or walking, check!

I'm not going to say it was easy, but I did it, that is the first step, and damn did it feel good! Now my couple of three mile days this week will be like a dream.

So far I’ve been feeling pretty good. A little tight, reminding me that I need to do a better job of pre and post-run stretching, but other than that, nothing inhibiting (I’m knocking on some wood right now).

This week I am going to stock up my iPhone with running tunes, and get earphones that don't fall out of my ears while I run, haha. I would love any suggestions for favorite artists/songs to run to. I have really eclectic music taste, not picky at all. Eddie Vedder got me through my 6-miler :)

Week 2 here I come!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Step 2 - Continue

3 miles feels like a breeze (adding 23 to it... we'll see...).

One day at a time :)

On another note- I need to add a running playlist to my iPhone, task number one for this weekend.

Stay tuned! begins

"Running is the greatest metaphor for life,  
because you get out of it what you put into it."

At some point last fall, in the midst of my quarter life crisis, I decided it would be a great idea to run a marathon... 26.2 miles... In my 26th year.

of course if I had stopped to give it some real thought, I might have considered the fact that starting a marathon training program, in the middle of winter, in Minnesota, after not really considering myself a 'runner' for a number of years... May not have been the best idea I’ve ever had.

Be that as it may, here I am.

After thinking long and hard about where I’d like to run, I narrowed my search down to two options: Anchorage and San Francisco. These particular races both fell at what I considered to be the ideal time of year to run (summer), in cities I would like to visit, and in climates I thought wouldn't be completely inhospitable. San Francisco is arguably my favorite city in the country, and I’ve always dreamt of going to Alaska, so those were my choices. I thought the decision would be difficult, but after a good friend reminded me of the hill-y-ness that is San Fran, that was that...

The Mayor's Midnight Sun Marathon, Anchorage Alaska, June 22, 2013.

Now there was a point in my life when I did consider myself very (alright, at least a little) athletic. Unfortunately for me, that point was more than a couple years ago now. After weighing the pros and cons of various training programs, I decided on Hal Higdon's novice 1 marathon training. This may or may not be the best one out there, but it makes sense for me.

Rest one day, run 3 days, rest one, long run, cardio. Repeat, in various ways, 18 times, and boom, you've run a marathon. Simple.

Sounds great!

Well... It sounded great. 

Yesterday, Tuesday Feb. 19th was the first day of my training, and of course, the windchill was -17 (yes, -17). Luckily, we are treadmillsitting for my fiancĂ©’s parents, and after dragging the beast of a contraption upstairs, I did successfully run my first 3 miles. (Pause for shock and awe). This may sound like a small feat, and yes, compared to 26, it is very (very, very) small. I do need to pat myself on the back, however, and congratulate myself for at least getting started. (Yay me!)

Greg (my fiancĂ©) helped me kick off my renewed running enthusiasm last weekend at the 'hearts r' running' 5k in Como Park (picture below). I thought running might be like riding a bicycle you know? Just strap the shoes back on and off you go...? Hah. Not exactly. As I dragged myself, wheezing slightly, with a sore hip, and frost bitten face, across the finish line... I couldn't help but ask myself what the hell I’m thinking.

But again, here I am.

This blog is really for me. I think it might help if I document my training, in the process forcing me to admit some fears, and perhaps failures, but also a place to celebrate successes. There isn't any part of me that believes this will be an easy process, and I almost decidedly will at some point want to throw my hands up and walk away (or limp away) from all of it. But there is a bigger part of me, the part that knows that running a marathon is something I’ve always wanted to accomplish, the part that remembers how lazy and sluggish I’ve been feeling since college, and the part that loves the peace of mind and runners high after pushing through the run.... That part of me will win out.

So long as my body doesn't completely fail me (heh) I will push through to June 22, and I will document it all here.

Wish me luck! :)