Monday, July 14, 2014

Summerfest Rock 'n Sole Half Marathon!

Well it certainly took me long enough to write this post... but in spite of my procrastination, the race was absolutely phenomenal in so many ways!

It was an amazingly beautiful day for a run, about 50 degrees in the AM pre-race, warming up to near 70 and sunny by the end. A light breeze and low humidity, and all around perfect morning.

I was incredibly nervous/anxious for this race, in part because I knew my training had been very lacking. It had been about 14 months since my first (and so far only) half marathon, and in the weeks leading up to race day I all but abandoned my training plan.

Going into this run, my only true goal was to beat my previous time of 2 hours 10 minutes and 1 second. Also, upon lining up in the starting corrals, I remembered that I had originally signed up for the race before finishing my first half. Point being - when I had anticipated my finish time, it had been a complete guess. So as I lined up in starting corral for the anticipated finish time of 2 hours 25 minutes... I realized I had at least a little but of ground to make up.

My (very unrealistic, all things considered) goal was to finish sub 2 hours. Lining up on race day though, all I could really hope for was to cross the finish line sans injury or complete collapse.

Also, a note of what should have been common sense... don't use a half marathon as the time to try out your new arch support inserts for your running shoes.

In fact, don't try one damn thing new on the day of the race... trust me.

The first half of the race I pushed myself to find my ideal pace group - as I began and didn't feel too horrible, I decided to try to surpass the 2 hour 5 min pacer, and see how close I could get to 2 hours without completely destroying myself.

Another note of bad judgment - I was concerned about my iPhone (which is also my music device while I run) losing batter too quickly, so not only did I not wear my Nike+ pedometer, I also didn't use my run mapping app which tells me my splits, overall time, and distance. That being said, all I had to go on were the clocks at each rest station - which would have been fine if I hadn't started in such a slow corral. Based on my start time, I had to try to deduct time from each timer in order to figure out what my current time was. Yes, I know, subtraction.... tough Kate... but it was the last thing I wanted to be thinking about while chugging along.

In spite of my self-imposed obstacles... the race was really fantastic.

The course was beautiful, stretching along the Lake Michigan shoreline and downtown Milwaukee. A major course highlight was running over the Hoan Bridge which spans nearly 2 miles along the lakeshore.
With relatively few hills, and lots of interesting scenery, this is definitely a recommendation for anyone looking for an accessible, fun race.

An extra special piece of this race was getting to reunite with a good friend from back in AmeriCorps days. Hanna and I served ten months together in AmeriCorps NCCC back in 2010-2011, and hadn't seen each other in the 3 years since! We met up the evening before the race to pick up our packets and indulge in a delicious pre-race carb load at Rustico in Third Ward.

Hanna was a bit speedier than I, so we didn't run together this round, but met up for a hug and big smiles upon completion. I should mention that we both PR'd in this race, and I was also convinced (it didn't take much convincing) to sign up for another half in August! Hanna and I will be running that race together also, and I have a great feeling about some more record shattering times to come!

When all was said and done I crossed the finish line just a hair over 2 hours (2 hours and 27 seconds to be exact) which was both incredible, and slightly heartbreaking all at the same time.

I was thrilled to have blown my previous time out of the water by over 9 minutes, but slightly disappointed to miss my (crazy) goal by such a small amount. It has certainly fueled an intense desire in me to crush that time in a few weeks!

I can't quite describe the feeling that washes over me when I cross the finish line, I think it's something that only endurance athletes can really understand. Euphoria, mixed with exhaustion, relief, and the desire to simultaneously never ever run again, and run every day for the rest of time. Regardless, there are few better feelings I've ever experienced. :)

My mom drove down to meet me after the race, which was another really wonderful part of this run saga. It was really lovely to be able to share that excitement with her, and absolutely loved having her support!

I definitely have a bit of a half marathon addiction now. It's a long enough race to be incredibly challenging and push me to my limit, but short enough to still be attainable. Which is why.... I'm running another! The full will come someday, but for now, I'm basking in the glow of the 13.1s.

Next stop, Madison, WI, August 16th for the Madison-Mini Marathon which is now.... EEEP... only

32 days away....

Wish me luck!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Ready to Rock ('n Sole)!

Jittery with excitement tonight! Tomorrow is the big day!!! I was originally supposed to run this race last summer, so in a way I've honestly been waiting a whole year for race day :)

Got into Brew City this evening just in time to scoot downtown to meet my running buddy, Hanna, and head to the packet pick-up/expo. Goodie bags in hand, we wandered through and soaked up some of the happy buzz of the scene. 

I also may have been talked into officially registering for the Madison Mini-Marathon! No turning back now!

After a phenomenal meal and some long over due catching up at Rustica Italian in 3rd Ward, I've got nothing to do now except wait with anticipation until race time!

Starting time is bright and early at 7am, hoping the weather cooperates as it is supposed to :) Keep your fingers crossed and send me some good running vibes - looking forward to a great race and a wonderful experience. 

Stay tuned!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

We built this run on Rock 'n Sole

Yep, yet another 1980's song to accompany my blog post today....

Who doesn't love some good rockin' 80's jams to kick off a Thursday morning?? I have to admit I have some of these songs on my running playlist :)

Only 2 more days until race day.... the nerves are starting to kick in a little bit. I've also been a little concerned about my achy body - in particular my knees and hips. Perhaps it would be a good idea if I took my running a little more seriously and did some stretching and strength work to coincide with my pavement pounding runs...

On that note, I thought I'd share some good knee stretches:

Stretches: IT Band

(Lean into each stretch for 15 to 20 seconds, then switch sides.)

1. Wall Banger:
Stand with your right side about six to 12 inches from a wall. Squat and lean your upper body to the left until your right hip touches the wall. “It stretches the IT band and strengthens the glutes,” says Nancy Cummings, Ed.D., assistant professor at Florida Southern College.

2. Side Stretch: Stand with your left foot crossed in front of your right, and lean your upper body to the left with your hands overhead. Lean as far as you can without bending your knees.

3. Backward T Stretch: Stand, feet together, facing a wall about six to 12 inches away. Hold your arms to your sides like you’re forming a T. Without bending your knees, reach down and back as far as you can with your right hand.

Strength Moves: Hips, Glutes, and Quadriceps

(Do independent of running so your muscles aren’t fatigued during this program.)

1. Leg Lift: Strong hip abductors help prevent strain of the IT band. “There’s less torque on the band because you’re decreasing the amount of hip abduction,” says sports-medicine specialist Sharon Flynn, M.D. Lie on your side with your elbow on the floor. Lift your upper leg up about a foot and return to the starting position. Do 20 to 30 on each side.

2. Four-Way Kick: Attach your ankle to a cable machine (or use a resistance band). Face the machine. Kick your leg backward 20 times. Rotate 90 degrees and kick to the side. Repeat in all four directions (when you’re facing away from the machine, kick forward). Start with two sets of 20 in each direction on each leg, and work up to three sets of 50 in each direction.

3. Lateral Step Up with Kick: Stand with your left side next to a step that’s eight to 12 inches high. Step up with your left foot, driving the right foot in the air so it’s even with your waist. Step back down and repeat. It strengthens the lateral muscle of the quad to help protect the knee, Cummings says. Do two sets of eight to 12 repetitions on each side.

4. Hip Lift: Balance on your right foot (use a wall for balance). With your left knee bent, drop the left hip and lift it up. “Let the hip drop, and try not to bend the left leg,” says Stephen Pribut, D.P.M., a sports podiatrist in Washington, D.C. “You’ll feel it in the glutes.” Do 15 to 20 times on each side.

5. Step Down: Stand on a step on your right foot. Lower your left leg toward the floor, making sure the knee of your right leg is centered over your foot. “With the step down, you’re putting more focus on the glutes,” says Matt Schneider, athletic trainer and physician assistant at the Boulder (Colorado) Center for Sports Medicine. Do two sets of 10 on each.


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

It's the final countdown...

AAAAAHHHHHH 3 days to go! It is indeed.... the final countdown....

Okay I couldn't help myself, I've had that song in my head all morning :)

I haven't been very diligent about updating this the last few weeks, although I do think packing up my life and moving is a pretty decent excuse to put the blog on the backburner. The good news is that I have continued running throughout the chaos of life. In fact, I have already had a few beautiful runs in my new neighborhood!

Since moving to uptown, I've quickly become obsessed with the lake trails nearby. Albeit very crowded, they are still a gorgeous, well maintained, and easily accessible trail system.

I had an extremely successful 10 mile run early last week, and a (not quite as successful) 12-miler this Sunday.

10 miles June 3
12 miles June 8

I have no excuse for the tough 12 mile run besides my...
a. lack of hydration and
b. lack of preparation

The original plan was to do my 'long' run 2 weeks before race day, but as that was moving weekend.... the scheduling got a little discombobulated. Regardless.... I was able to finish the run (yippie!).

My original hope of blowing my previous half time out of the water (last spring was a 2hr 10min race) doesn't seem to be quite as realistic as I had originally thought. I am a little disappointed that I didn't push myself a harder these last 2 months, but hindsight is always very rosy. Life intervened, again, and the training had to be flexible as well.

All of that being said, I am definitely on track to at least match my previous run time... and come race day, I know I'll push myself much harder than I have been in training. The goal (fingers crossed) is still a sub-2hr time, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

I am pretty excited to be heading back to my hometown (Milwaukee) for this run, it'll be a great experience to be able to have family there to support me! I'm also stoked that I have a good friend running the same race (that's you Hanna Gichard!) and we have plans to carb load the night before :)

If everything goes as hoped this summer, I'll be running the Madison Mini-Marathon on August 16th as part of the M2 Challenge (

Here is the route and info for this Saturday: I'll post at least once more as the next few days tick away!

Wish me luck!!! :)

Saturday, May 17, 2014


Back in action and proud to report a very successful 6-miler this afternoon! I'd like to work on upping my pace a little, but can't complain much considering my lack of stick-to-itiveness (look it up, real word!) the last few weeks. 

I have to say that I have no reason to not be itching to run every day. The weather is just about perfect running weather finally, and at least for the next 2 weeks I still live near some of the most beautiful running trails in the no excuses. 

Race day is exactly one month from today, which was a little bit of a reality check! Hopefully I can get my butt in gear and not let the pending move and ensuing life chaos deter my progress too much :)

Until then, you'll find me taking advantage of the gorgeous trails and views which sweep up and down both sides of the Mississippi River (and are honestly right outside my front door). 

Happy trails for now! :)

Monday, April 28, 2014

Speedy, like a slug?

After a very lazy weekend, which made me feel quite a bit like a slug, I am happy to report kicking the week off with a killer 5 mile run! I had forgotten how incredible it feels to just sweat out all of the days worries and frustrations. 

Hopefully adding an extra mile or two today made up for my sluggish weekend, because I'm pretty sure it won't be the last amendment to my training plan :)

I can't wait for the cold and rain to hit the road for a while. Running on the treadmill at the gym with hundreds of people and my little tv stuck on a channel talking about George Clooney's love life is NOT my idea of a peaceful running environment...

Luckily the weekend forecast looks gorgeous! :-D

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Plan, Stan

Here it is.... the plan (ooooh ahhh). 4 weeks shorter this time, with an extra workout (or two) per week. Hoping that once I get back in the groove a little bit I might be able to be more thoughtful about my pace/time this go around. That is to be determined as I get my running legs back though.

Workout #2 here we go (and no, I promise I am not going to post something after every run, I can't imagine that would be very exciting for anyone).

As it is rainy and cool again (damn you Minnesota!) I am going to take advantage of the one week left of my Lifetime Fitness gym membership and go be a pansy :)

Monday, April 21, 2014

It begins, again...

Well I can't complain too much about my beautiful running scenery....

3 mile run #1 complete (and with minimal huffing and puffing). It was a perfect evening for a run, 60 degrees and sunny! Not surprisingly, my knees and hips were a little achy compared to how I was feeling last summer... but it's just like riding a bike.... right?? :)

I've pretty much solidified my training plan, and even though it's abbreviated (8 weeks instead of 12) and a little more intensive, I think it's definitely still an attainable goal. I've added a biking component this round (distances TBD) and am hoping to squeeze some yoga in still, mostly for my peace of mind.

Despite being a little tight and sore post-run, I have to say that I'm feeling pretty fantastic. It feels great to be out moving and sweating again... but I am looking forward to getting back to the point when 3 miles feels like a breeze!

As long as the weather cooperates (no more snow... pleeeeeeease!!!) I'm feeling really good about stretching my legs on the trails around downtown Minneapolis!

That's all for now.... day one, complete! Only 8 more weeks to go.... :)

I'm back (for real this time)!

After a lengthy (yes, very lengthy) hiatus from running, I'm incredibly excited to say that it's time to get back on the road :)
 My 8 week half-marathon training kicks off today! What a perfect evening for a run... stay tuned for updates!!